
Le Signe

De toutes façons…
Design graphique et textile

17.10.19 —22.03.20

Le Signe
Centre National du Graphisme
1 Place Émile Goguenheim
52000, Chaumont (France)

Tapis Bleu Palmier
Design by Julien Colombier

Photo © Nicolas Waltefaugle
Texte source :

The plasticity of fabric makes it possible for it to interact with its environment. Worn on bodies, flying in the wind, in three or just two dimensions, the designers play on these qualities. Graphic designers, whose art consists in laying out messages, indulge in taking up this medium and imagine flags, diverted garments or trompe l’œil finery.

The first part of the exhibition designed by the studio GGSV, designers, artists and residents at the Villa Medicis, immerses the visitor into a succession of five phantasmagorical period rooms, from the Haunted House to the Technicolor room, each staging about ten works. These textile objects question the notions shared by graphic and textile design, namely of their use, representation, texture and pattern. 

The stories evoked through all these heteroclite works together are accompanied by a text by the author Laure Limongi.
In response to these visual atmospheres, the second part of the exhibition, designed by Structure Bâtons, two graphic designers, reveals the methods textile and graphic design have in common by highlighting a new generation of graphic designers. Their works are deciphered according to their conception and production methods, the lines taken, the challenges met, pointing out the pertinence of singular creative approaches and outlining the mutations of a discipline without boundaries.